Künstlerhaus Kunsthalle Kulturlabor

Archiv AiR
zur Übersicht

Marina Montresor

1992*, Italien

Marina Montresor (b. 1992) is an architect by training, a visual artist by desire, and a writer by necessity. These three realms come together in her doctoral thesis, Synecdoche, Los Angeles (ETH Zurich) and in the projects she carries out with her studio. 

The core of her practice is the deliberate exploration of the broadest spectrum of possibilities inherent to architecture, which she tackles through building, writing, teaching and curating.

Concerned with how architecture negotiates material, technological and political imperatives through space, her main field of exploration is the ground through its modifications, both natural and artificial.

Currently, Marina teaches the diploma unit for the Chair Charbonnet-Heiz at the ETH Zurich and lectures at Syracuse University in Florence. In 2022 she was guest professor at the TU Wien.

In 2023 Marina co-founded the research group and art residency project c/o bardi.

Based in Florence, c/o bardi seeks different formats and outputs of production and exhibition, with the purpose of letting a private space surge to a public dimension through its cultural production.